Sunday, March 2, 2008

Thank you...thank you very much.

While watching the documentary, I realized that I have only seen pictures of Elvis and I have never actually seen footage of his world renowned dancing. Watching him perform on stage with thousands of girls go crazy for his risque movements, wild persona and dangerously good looks was fascinating. The girls of the fifties were head over heels for Elvis because he was like nothing they had seen before and had the disapproval of their parents, making him ever more attractive. He introduced sex appeal on stage. Sex was certainly not something that was discussed in the fifties because it was considered a private manner, but he projected it in his lyrics and appearance. Elvis was essentially sex on stage. He was the beginning of what was to come in the sixties, seventies and eventually progressing to the outrageousness that is the new millennium. Because of his wild character, he not only allotted for young girls' strong sexual attraction to a famous figure, but also was responsible for a new emotional connection the teenagers attained through his music to a distant figure. Elvis was the newest and most exciting thing since Frank Sinatra. 


Cassandra said...

It was so interesting to see one person change the world so drastically. Especially how Elvis made the girls in a way more comfortable with their bodies and like you said sexuality.

Anna said...

yeah he definitely introduced sex appeal and it has totally taken off since then.